What is a barrow,is it used without the word wheel attached?
Question #135505. Asked by endoverend.
Last updated Apr 21 2014.
Originally posted Apr 20 2014 8:27 PM.
Answer has 2 votes
kingofmates 14 year member
771 replies
Answer has 2 votes.
1. a flat, rectangular frame used for carrying a load, especially such a frame with projecting shafts at each end for handles; handbarrow.
2. a wheelbarrow.
3. British . a pushcart used by street vendors, especially by costermongers. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/barrow
Apr 20 2014, 8:33 PM
Answer has 1 vote
Answer has 1 vote.
A barrow, is also the name given to a male pig castrated before puberty.
The name Barrow is also a common surname and may have any one of the following derivations: Olde English pre 7th Century "bearo, bearu", meaning "grove" or "wood". It may also be a topographical name for someone who lived by a hill or burial mound, or a locational name from either of the places called Barrow near Leicestershire and Somerset, deriving from the Olde English pre 7th Century "beorg", meaning "hill" or "barrow". Finally, it may be a locational name from Barrow in Furness, Cumberland, which derives from the Celtic "barro", meaning "promontor