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Who wrote the song "The Hanging Tree"?

Question #139518. Asked by Taltarzac.
Last updated Mar 10 2015.
Originally posted Feb 27 2015 6:32 AM.

Answer has 2 votes
20 year member
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Answer has 2 votes.
"The Hanging Tree", also known as the "Hunger Games Song", has lyrics by Suzanne Collins, the author of "Hunger Games", with music by The Lumineers band members Jeremiah Fraites and Wesley Schultz.


Feb 27 2015, 7:22 AM
LoveAnimals555 star
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LoveAnimals555 star
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Answer has 2 votes.
The Hanging Tree is a western ballad from the 1959 movie The Hanging Tree. It was scored by Max Steiner and written by Mack David and Jerry Livingston who received nominations for the Laurel Awards and the Academy Awards in 1960. The text is a short reference to the film's story. It was also released on the reissue of the album Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs (1959) by Marty Robbins who performed this song in the opening credits of this film. A known cover-version is by Frankie Laine who performed this song at the 32nd Academy Awards.


Feb 27 2015, 9:10 AM
mctavish99 star
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mctavish99 star
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For completeness, it should be mentioned that there are several more songs titled "The Hanging Tree".

"Hanging Tree" (Counting Crows song)
"Hanging Tree", a song by Uriah Heep from their 1977 album Firefly
"Hanging Tree", a song by Bob Mould from his 1990 album Black Sheets of Rain
"Hanging Tree", a song by Blackmore's Night from their 2001 album Fires at Midnight
"Hanging Tree", a song by The Desert Sessions from their 2001 album Volumes 7 & 8, covered by Queens of the Stone Age
"Hangin' Tree", a song by Green River from the 1988 Sub Pop 200 compilation
"The Hanging Tree" (Marty Robbins song), a 1959 song by Marty Robbins
"The Hanging Tree", a song by Arena from their 1998 album The Visitor
"The Hanging Tree" (The Hunger Games song), a 2014 single


Feb 27 2015, 9:40 AM
mikeu star
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mikeu star

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Frankie Lane also recorded a hit version of the old west gunfighter ballad that served as the theme from the 1959 film of the same name.

Frankie Lane also sang the theme to the film "Blazing Saddles" and he did it in all seriousness as Mel Brooks (intentionally) never told him it was a comedy.

Mar 10 2015, 8:49 PM
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