Question #13995. Asked by agilulf.
Last updated Nov 24 2016.
Answer has 4 votes
Gnomon 24 year member
1331 replies
Answer has 4 votes.
I thought it was Galaxians.
Oct 05 2001, 4:06 PM
Answer has 8 votes
Currently Best Answer
McGruff 25 year member
3694 replies
Answer has 8 votes.
Currently voted the best answer.
The next revolution was the advent of color. In 1974, a Japanese company known as Namco bought out the Japanese division of Atari and thereby instantly made a name for themselves in video games. In 1979, they develop what would be the first color video game. Up until this point, all the color on video games was faked by overlays on certain parts of the screen to give the appearance of color. The game was called Galaxian and it was rampantly successful.
Did you know...
...that Galaxian was the first color video game ever? Up to then, black and white video games were 'colorized' by sticking coloured strips over the screen.