Response last updated by satguru on Dec 18 2016.
Oct 08 2001, 3:47 PM
Answer has 3 votes
ferfer72 22 year member
139 replies
Answer has 3 votes.
The Goonies--but it's Chester Copperpot
May 08 2007, 9:27 AM
Answer has 3 votes
cartwheel45 17 year member
25 replies
Answer has 3 votes.
The Goonies --
(There is no Chester Cobblepot that was a lost treasure hunter)
They come across the skeletal remains of 1930s explorer Chester Copperpot and, upset that a supposed expert couldn't make it out alive, turn their quest into a hope to merely survive long enough to reach freedom. Their goal then reverts back to finding the treasure when they discover the bottom of a wishing well, which they could use to leave the caves. Instead of saving themselves, the Goonies - in a moment of clarity - decide to continue the quest for the treasure so that they can save the Goon Docks, even if it means risking their lives.