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What variety of Cone Shell is the most highly prized by shell collectors?

Question #140211. Asked by Despair.
Last updated Jul 18 2021.
Originally posted Apr 27 2015 7:29 AM.

sportsherald star
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sportsherald star
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Answer has 3 votes.

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'... for more than two centuries, collectors considered the rarest and most expensive shell in the world to be the Cone Shell...Conus Gloriamaris, known as the beautiful "Glory of the Seas".
Only five specimens were known by the beginning of the 1830's. It was the most sought after in the 20th century, and every collector hoped to stumble on a colony of these.
No "general" shell collection can be considered half way decent without an example of this fabulously famous species.'

Response last updated by CmdrK on Jul 18 2021.
Apr 27 2015, 10:40 PM
Walneto star
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Walneto star
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832 replies avatar

Answer has 3 votes.
'The glory-of-the-seas cone (C. gloriamaris) is 10 to 13 cm (4 to 5 inches) long and coloured golden brown, with a fine net pattern. Throughout most of the 19th and 20th centuries, it was known from fewer than 100 specimens, making it the most valuable shell in the world. In 1969 divers discovered the animal's habitat in the sandy seafloor near the Philippines and Indonesia. Hundreds of specimens have been collected since, and thus the shell's value has diminished significantly.'


'Before 1837 only half a dozen [C. gloriamaris] were known to exist. In that year a famous British Collector, Hugh Cuming, visiting a reef near Jagna, Bohol Island, in the Philippines, turned over a rock, and found two, side by side, he recalled that he nearly fainted with delight. When the reef vanished after an earthquake, the world believed that the only habitat for this cone vanished forever.

A decent example would set one back at least $5,000 U.S dollars. Then, a fortunate diver found out where they lived; in the sand under certain circumstances, generally from 25 to 50 feet deeper than people can dive without mechanical equipment.

Soon, many hundreds were discovered, and today one can purchase a beautiful example of this once rarest and most sought after shells of all time, for less than $100, when inflation is considered, almost 600 times less expensive than the 1968 price (as it is written "How the mighty have fallen"......).'


Response last updated by CmdrK on Jul 18 2021.
Apr 27 2015, 10:43 PM
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