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Can Kentucky Derby winners run in the Melbourne Cup?

Question #140215. Asked by Taltarzac.
Last updated Sep 02 2016.
Originally posted Apr 27 2015 11:53 AM.

gracious1 star
Answer has 1 vote
gracious1 star
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89 replies avatar

Answer has 1 vote.
Yes. The race is a "quality handicap" open to horses three years old and older, who qualify based on earnings and performance. So, theoretically, a Kentucky Derby winner could run in it, but I do not know if any ever have.


Apr 27 2015, 2:59 PM
looney_tunes star
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looney_tunes star
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The distances of the races are quite different, and it is unlikely that a horse bred to run in the Kentucky Derby (2km, and no weight handicaps) would be suitably bred to be successful in the Melbourne Cup (3.2 km handicap, with penalty weights for major wins). Since it is quite an expensive proposition to get the horse there, and keep it in quarantine for the required time, it is unlikely that it will happen.



Apr 27 2015, 11:28 PM
gtho4 star
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gtho4 star
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Answer has 4 votes.
Although the distances and WFA vs handicap arrangements are different for the two races, Kingston Town was a champion three-year old who won the AJC Derby (the aussie equivalent to the Kentucky Derby) and went on to race twice in the Melbourne Cup (unplaced and second). A winner of the Kentucky Derby can race in the Melbourne Cup, if they gather enough wins/points in the appropriate races to qualify; and make the 24-runners cut-off (the aussie tote machines can't handle bigger fields).

Secretariat won the Kentucky Derby (and then went on to win the Triple Crown). We never saw Secretariat race in Australia in the flesh, but one of his progeny did. Kingtson Rule won the Melbourne Cup in 1990, and set a new record. The record still stands today.


Response last updated by Terry on Sep 02 2016.
Apr 28 2015, 12:20 AM
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