'Bradbury never learned to drive a car - a fact which continually tickled some of his fellow science-fiction writers.'
"Any experience that touches you, in any particular way, is good. It can be a horrible experience. I saw a car crash when I was 15 here in Los Angeles and five people died as a result of it. I arrived at the scene within 20 seconds of hearing the collision. It was the worst mistake I ever made in my life. I didn't know what I was running into. People had been horribly mangled and decapitated. So for months after, I was shaken. It's probably the reason I never learned to drive. I was terrified of automobiles for a long time after that but I turned it into a short story called "The Crowd" six or seven years later. ... So out of this horror - this really terrible event - you take something that has taught you a certain kind of fear and you pass on to others and say, 'This is what the car can do.'"