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Who was the drummer playing on the Sonny and Cher classic "I've Got You Babe"?

Question #141972. Asked by triviadude289.
Last updated Dec 11 2015.
Originally posted Dec 09 2015 12:49 AM.

Walneto star
Answer has 17 votes
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Walneto star
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Answer has 17 votes.

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Hal Blaine:

"Sonny Bono, a songwriter and record producer for Phil Spector, wrote the lyrics to and composed the music of the song for himself and his then-wife, Cher, late at night in their basement. Session drummer Hal Blaine played drums for the song with other members of The Wrecking Crew supplying instrumental support."


"Hal Blaine (born Harold Simon Belsky; February 5, 1929) is an American drummer and session musician."

'He is most known for his work with the Wrecking Crew in California. Blaine played on numerous hits by popular groups, including Nancy Sinatra, Jan and Dean, Elvis Presley, John Denver, the Ronettes, Simon & Garfunkel, the Carpenters, the Beach Boys, the Grass Roots, the 5th Dimension, the Monkees, the Partridge Family, and Steely Dan. He has played on 40 number one hit singles, 150 top ten hits and has performed on, by his own accounting, over 35,000 recorded tracks. He is widely regarded as one of the most prolific drummers in rock and roll history, having "certainly played on more hit records than any drummer in the rock era".'

'Hal Blaine's drums can be heard as part of the Wall of Sound on the Ronettes' 1963 No. 2 hit "Be My Baby", produced by Phil Spector at Hollywood's Gold Star Studios. Max Weinberg wrote, "If Hal Blaine had played drums only on the Ronettes' "Be My Baby", his name would still be uttered with reverence and respect for the power of his big beat."'


Dec 09 2015, 1:00 AM
Answer has 3 votes
mypax avatar

Answer has 3 votes.
I heard an interview with a well known rock drummer from a famous band, can't recall his name now, but he said the most disillusioning day of his life was when he realized that 7 of his top 10 drummer heroes of all time were all actually Hal Blaine. The real drummers with the bands played in concert, but not on those studio tracks.

Dec 11 2015, 2:27 PM
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