When somebody says that they are "bored as hell" or "tired as hell," what does the phrase "as hell" actually refer to?
Question #142138. Asked by matthewpokemon.
Last updated Jan 24 2016.
Originally posted Jan 24 2016 3:35 AM.
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hackworr 13 year member
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I think that Hell, is just meaning to the extreme. I'm very very bored, or very very very tired.
"as hell" could also mean something more nefarious, but who knows, to hell with this; I'm sure you'll find a better answer.
Jan 24 2016, 9:06 AM
Answer has 6 votes
Currently Best Answer
namrewsna 11 year member
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They just seem to be in a family of hyperbolic expressions for emphasis and all serve to be synonymous with "very". Sesrching under various indivdual such expressions (cold as hell, hot as hell, slow as hell, etc.) Will net different first recorded uses.