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Why do the French say "soixante-dix" for 70 while other French speaking countries say "septante"?

Question #142231. Asked by chabenao1.
Last updated Feb 15 2016.
Originally posted Feb 14 2016 5:31 PM.

markswood star
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markswood star
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Answer has 8 votes.

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France traditionally used the vigesimal system:

Twenty (vingt) is used as a base number in the French language names of numbers from 70 to 99, except in the French of Belgium, Switzerland, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, the Aosta Valley and the Channel Islands. For example, quatre-vingts, the French word for "80", literally means "four-twenties"; soixante-dix, the word for "70", is literally "sixty-ten"; soixante-quinze ("75") is literally "sixty-fifteen"; quatre-vingt-sept ("87") is literally "four-twenties-seven"; quatre-vingt-dix ("90") is literally "four-twenties-ten"; and quatre-vingt-seize ("96") is literally "four-twenties-sixteen". However, in the French of Belgium, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, the Aosta Valley, and the Channel Islands, the numbers 70 and 90 generally have the names septante and nonante. Therefore, the year 1996 is "mille neuf cent quatre-vingt-seize" in Parisian French, but it is "mille neuf cent nonante-six" in Belgian French. In Switzerland, "80" can be quatre-vingts (Geneva, Neuchâtel, Jura) or huitante (Vaud, Valais, Fribourg); in the past octante was also in use.

Other French speaking countries used "septante" which has the same Latin root as Septuagint.
The French do not have a word for 70, instead using "soixante-dix" (60 + 10). Other French-speaking countries such as Belgium, Switzerland, Aosta Valley and Jersey do have a word for it, using "septante.

Peter Higgins, Number Story. London: Copernicus Books (2008): 19. "Belgian French speakers however grew tired of this and introduced the new names septante, octante, nonante etc. for these numbers"

Feb 15 2016, 4:18 AM
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