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How far apart are these two houses in England: 443 Manchester Road Bolton BL4 and 443 Manchester Road Clifton M27?

Question #144669. Asked by gtho4.
Last updated Oct 01 2017.
Originally posted Sep 29 2017 12:27 PM.

ennerdale star
Answer has 1 vote
ennerdale star
11 year member
82 replies avatar

Answer has 1 vote.
Approximately 165 metres.
as measured on google earth.

Sep 29 2017, 1:10 PM
gtho4 star
Answer has 16 votes
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gtho4 star
25 year member
2412 replies avatar

Answer has 16 votes.

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The two houses are next door to each other; they're separated by the Bolton-Clifton border. Each local council on either side of the border used their own numbering and neither bother to co-ordinate its numbering with the other.

Postman's nightmare! The UK street where houses sharing the SAME address sit side-by-side due to bizarre reason

For years people have been getting the wrong packages delivered, for the most bizarre reason. Now many are starting to get fed up ... thanks to two neighbouring councils who couldn't co-ordinate over house numbers. Unfortunately for people living there, it means that Manchester Road is the only street in the UK where two houses with identical addresses sit right next to one another ... This strange situation is a result of Manchester Road being half in Salford and half in Bolton - and each council choosing how each half of the street is numbered. On either side of the border between the two boroughs sits a house numbered 443.

But few things are as baffling for Royal Mail staff as a street which runs from Salford to Bolton; it has caused confusion for as long as residents can remember. Manchester Road is the only street in the UK where two houses with identical addresses sit right next to one another. Not only are there two '443 Manchester Roads', there are also two '441 Manchester Roads' and two '439 Manchester Roads' - and so on. This strange situation is a result of Manchester Road being half in Salford and half in Bolton - and each council choosing how each half of the street is numbered.

See these two houses? They're both number 443 Manchester Road! The one on the left is in Bolton and the one on the right is in Salford, both in Greater Manchester. They're literally next door to each other! I cannot get over how ridiculous a situation this is! It's possible to live in a house where your next-door neighbour on the same street has the same house number as you!

I spoke to a chap who lived on the other side of the road (who, quite rightly, wanted to know why I was taking photos of people's houses). Apparently they've been trying for ages to get the two councils to put up signage to clarify the situation. You can see in the photo the sign on the Salford side which says "Manchester Road, Clifton", but without a corresponding sign on the Bolton side, or maybe arrows to indicate that "Clifton" refers to the area to the right of the sign, it doesn't really help.

google street views:

Sep 30 2017, 8:54 AM
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