Question #145460. Asked by Creedy.
Last updated Feb 27 2018.
Originally posted Feb 27 2018 3:49 AM.
An Alleged Moose-Wapiti Hybrid in Montana.—California Fish and Game (vol. 17, p. 198; 1931) contains a reference to what is said to be the first known specimen of a ‘moose-elk’ or in our nomenclature a ‘moose-wapiti’ hybrid. Known to the United States forest rangers as “the elk with the funny horns” this curious cross was recently killed in the Deerlodge National Forest, Montana. The rangers had for the past five years known of the animal, which associated and grazed with the wapiti, but the horns and the body of which were half moose and half wapiti. When first seen in 1925 he appeared to be about a three-year-old, and his weight when slain was 1100 pounds.