Question #145619. Asked by TriviaFan22.
Last updated Mar 30 2018.
Originally posted Mar 29 2018 5:17 AM.
Donahue was born in a middle class, churchgoing, Irish Catholic family.
I am a divorced and remarried Catholic. I refused to have my first marriage annulled. I refused to pay a fee to four or five celibate men whom I didn't know, who would somehow, behind closed doors, conclude that my marriage never existed. I do see myself as a Catholic. I will always be a Catholic. But I want my church to join the human race and finally walk away from this antisexual theology.
I would permit a married clergy. I would also stop being so certain about what's a sin. The church is telling third-world women that they can't use contraceptives. The church is telling third-world men that they can't use prophylactics in the age of AIDS. This is a sin.