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What are the names of the puppies in '101 Dalmatians'?

Question #14616. Asked by Wendy.

Answer has 9 votes
25 year member
223 replies

Answer has 9 votes.
The mother of the puppies in the book '101 Dalmatians' is Missus. Perdita is the 'poor lost one' whose puppies were stolen; the Dearlys find her and bring her back to Pongo and Missus.

Apr 11 2003, 7:27 PM
Answer has 19 votes
Currently Best Answer

Answer has 19 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Dipstick and Dotty are the parents.

1. Bubba
2. Seargent
3. Chew
4. Bones
5. Princess
6. Freckles
7. Eight ball
8. Orion
9. Full stop
10. Snip
11. Dotcom
12. Marbles
13. Sunspot
14. Nickels
15. Hotdog
16. Fetch
17. Cinders
18. Lollipop
19. Scout
20. Domino
21. Gobstopper
22. Squeaky
23. Buttons
24. Cotton ball
25. Tic
26. Tac
27. Toe
28. Junior
29. Jake
30. Speckles
31. Ears
32. Bob
33. Alameda
34. Nipper
35. Oddball
36. Tippy
37. Jersey
38. Twister
39. Badger
40. Skipper
41. Snowball
42. Ellipses
43. Pepper
44. Pinwheel
45. Jimmies
46. Buddy
47. Stripes
48. Ralph
49. Nugget
50. Fang
51. Windy
52. Chester
53. Smoky
54. Chief
55. Soho
56. Drifter
57. Rufus
58. Peeve
59. Moose
60. Cosmo
61. Grinder
62. Gideon
63. Snicker
64. Chance
65. Squirrel
66. Tug
67. Badges
68. Blunder
69. Little dipper
70. Zephyr
71. Chase
72. Bongo
73. Soccer
74. Sparky
75. Wags
76. Smudge
77. Bootsie
78. Bogey
79. Otto
80. Hydrant
81. Ashes
82. Typhoon
83. Snake eyes
84. Whirlwind
85. Bluster
86. Diggity
87. Scamper
88. Toffee
89. Gumball
90. Big dipper
91. Polka
92. Chocolate chip
93. Patches
94. Dab
95. Inky
96. Rorschach
97. Splatter
98. Fisher
99. Spindle
100. Flip
101. Cue ball
102. Checkers

Sep 26 2007, 12:37 PM
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