Question #146376. Asked by dolly_llama.
Last updated Nov 27 2018.
Originally posted Nov 27 2018 1:42 PM.
"On June 7, 1975, Howard wed his high-school sweetheart, Cheryl Alley, a writer with a degree in geriatric psychology. Their first child, daughter Bryce Dallas Howard was born on March 2, 1981. Their twin daughters Jocelyn Carlyle Howard and Paige Carlyle Howard were born in 1985. Their fourth and last child, Reed Cross Howard, was born in 1987. His daughters' middle names indicate where they were conceived, Bryce in Dallas, and twins Jocelyn and Paige at the Carlyle Hotel in New York City. Son Reed Cross was named after a London street because ""Volvo isn't a very good middle name"", according to Howard.