If you look closely, the listing of answers shows several "W". These are meant to mean "WATER". (WSKI, ICEW, SEAW).
It was likely a special crossword that excluded certain letter patterns or a messed up transcription as the list also includes "ETVOA" for "Cry at an unveiling", which would obviously be ETVOILA.
If we add back the missing IL, AT and ER, we get TOILETWATER.
Response last updated by WesleyCrusher on Nov 18 2020.
Nov 18 2020, 3:23 AM
Answer has 2 votes
AyatollahK 18 year member
717 replies
Answer has 2 votes.
Agree with the answer, but just want to add that the puzzle is about "oil" and "water" going together, in which O can be "oil" and W can be "water". So TOETW, adding in the oil and water, becomes TO[il]ETW[ater].