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Is the bottom of a pyramid one of the faces of a pyramid?

Question #148160. Asked by mariappank511.
Last updated Dec 02 2020.
Originally posted Nov 26 2020 5:23 AM.

elburcher star
Answer has 2 votes
elburcher star
25 year member
1578 replies avatar

Answer has 2 votes.
No, the bottom of a pyramid is the "Base" the sides of a pyramid are the "faces".
In geometry, a pyramid is a polyhedron formed by connecting a polygonal base and a point, called the apex. Each base edge and apex form a triangle, called a lateral face.


Nov 26 2020, 7:23 AM
Answer has 20 votes
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Answer has 20 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
According to a by Euler: Faces+ Vertices - Edges = 2

Consider a triangular pyramid. That is a pyramid with a triangular base . It has 4 vertices. It has 6 edges. You now have : Faces +4 -6 =2 . The only way that can be true is if the pyramid has 4 faces. Therefore , the "base" is a face.


Response last updated by gtho4 on Nov 26 2020.
Nov 26 2020, 1:16 PM
Answer has 3 votes
23 year member
956 replies

Answer has 3 votes.
Things can have more than one name, so because something is a base, doesn't mean it can't also be called a face.
Here is the mathematical definition of "face":
In solid geometry, a face is a flat surface that forms part of the boundary of a solid object; a three-dimensional solid bounded exclusively by faces is a polyhedron.

Clearly all the flat surfaces of a triangular pyramid are faces, including the base, by this definition.


Nov 27 2020, 7:05 AM
Baloo55th star
Answer has 2 votes
Baloo55th star
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4545 replies avatar

Answer has 2 votes.
As I read link the base is a face. In the infobox (at top right of article) it is stated that the faces are n triangles and 1 n-gon (a polygon or multiple-sided figure, n being the munber of sides). In the case of a tetrahedron, all the faces are triangles, so there are n=3 triangles + 1 triangle = 4 faces. If the base is square, you have n=4 triangles + 1 square = 5 faces. The base is simply a special case of face, being not necessarily a triangle like all the other faces. In the case of the Egyptian funereal pyramids, the base is not visible, and indeed may be virtual as the builders sometimes built over rocky outcrops to save on transporting filling. In those cases, the structure may technically not be a pyramid as the 'base' as built is not a plane surface. It is usual to treat it as though it were and no-one is likely to lift one up and move If the sides are not triangles, it isn't a pyramid mathematically, but in terms of temple or tomb construction, a pyramid counts as a pyramid if the top would be a smaller pyramid which has been left off to give a working area for sacrificing, praying rather closer to the gods than street level, or even keeping a watch either on your own people or that nasty tribe from over there.... (BTW the base is usually at the bottom, but there is nothing to stop anyone building one with the square bit above ground. It'll look a bit silly, and probably won't last as long, that's all. And the local planning department probably wouldn't like it either.)

Response last updated by gtho4 on Dec 01 2020.
Nov 27 2020, 9:21 AM
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