Question #148275. Asked by unclerick.
Last updated Jan 31 2021.
Originally posted Jan 31 2021 8:54 AM.
"The Battle of Timor occurred in Portuguese Timor and Dutch Timor during the Second World War. Japanese forces invaded the island on 20 February 1942 and were resisted by a small, under-equipped force of Allied military personnel-known as Sparrow Force-predominantly from Australia, United Kingdom, and the Netherlands East Indies.
Although Portugal was not a combatant, many East Timorese civilians and Portuguese European colonists fought with the Allies or provided them with food, shelter and other assistance. Some Timorese continued a resistance campaign following the Australian withdrawal. For this, they paid a heavy price and tens of thousands of Timorese civilians died as a result of the Japanese occupation, which lasted until the end of the war in 1945.