Who was the first Native American to fly in space?
Question #148291. Asked by Thesuperyoshi.
Last updated Feb 11 2021.
Originally posted Feb 11 2021 12:37 PM.
Answer has 9 votes
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pehinhota 11 year member
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Answer has 9 votes.
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When astronaut John Herrington made his voyage to space aboard Space Shuttle Endeavour's STS-113 mission, he became the first Native American in space. An enrolled member of the Chickasaw Nation, Herrington carried its flag on his 13-day trip to space, as well as several personal items with him. Among those items was this traditional flute.
Born in Wetumka, Oklahoma, into the Chickasaw Nation, Herrington built his career on service. He received his commission from Aviation Officer Candidate School in March 1984 and was designated a Naval Aviator in March 1985. He was selected as an astronaut candidate in 1996, after earning a master of science degree in aeronautical engineering in June 1995.