Question #148390. Asked by unclerick.
Last updated Apr 10 2021.
Originally posted Apr 06 2021 8:20 AM.
At any rate, extrapolating from the Economist's conservative numbers, we come up with a current per capita world income of more than $3,100, or an average household income for a family of five of $15,500
The financial concept of wealth is broad, and it can take many forms.
While your wealth is most likely driven by the dollars in your bank account and the value of your stock portfolio and house, wealth also includes a number of smaller things as well, such as the old furniture in your garage or a painting on the wall.
From the macro perspective of a country, wealth is even more all-encompassing - it's not just about the assets held by private households or businesses, but also those owned by the public. ...
In 2019, total world wealth grew by $9.1 trillion to $360.6 trillion, which amounts to a 2.6% increase over the previous year. ...Last year, growth in global wealth exceeded that of the population, incrementally increasing wealth per adult to $70,850, a 1.2% bump and an all-time high.