Canada's Groundhog Day relies on the predictions of an albino groundhog named Wiarton Willie. Although Punxsutawney Phil gets the most attention, various American cities have their own special groundhogs; New York City's official groundhog is called "Pothole Pete."
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Feb 02 2002, 12:39 PM
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Answer has 4 votes.
Staten Island Chuck.
Staten Island Chuck is a groundhog who resides in the Staten Island Zoo in Staten Island, New York in the United States. He is noted as the official groundhog meteorologist of New York City who predicts the duration of winter each February 2 on Groundhog Day. He makes the prediction based on whether or not he sees his shadow at 7:30 A.M. on Groundhog Day. The ceremony at the zoo is often attended and officiated by the Mayor of New York City.