A roll of what number on the dice is called Little Phoebe in the game of {craps:Number1;Number2;Number5;OR} Number6 ?
Question #16812. Asked by yatin.
Last updated Jan 22 2017.
Senior Moments
Answer has 3 votes
Senior Moments
Answer has 3 votes.
Taken from https://collectingtokens.wordpress.com/2011/02/22/little-phoebe/ but with no explanation Little Phoebe n : the cardinal number that is the sum of four and one (syn: five, 5, V, cinque, quint, quintet, fivesome, quintuplet, pentad, fin, Phoebe, Little Phoebe)
Response last updated by satguru on Jan 22 2017.
Feb 25 2002, 2:41 AM
Answer has 5 votes
Currently Best Answer
McGruff 25 year member
3694 replies
Answer has 5 votes.
Currently voted the best answer.
McGruff says:
In the game of craps the slang term 'Little Phoebe' refers to a roll of 5 on the dice.
Sat Feb 23 19:14:08 CST 2002
McG says:
Unfortunately, the term doesn't appear in the dozens of sites which come up in a search of 'crap terms.' The statement I found uses the word 'slang' which may be the problem. Perhaps it's not official, don't know personally. Here's a list that does include 'Phoebe' among other terms that are not on standard lists.