A 'barbershop quartet' is made up of men. What do females who perform the same style of singing and music call themselves?
Question #18187. Asked by an alias.
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mibmob 22 year member
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Women can't perform the same style of singing as they don't have the same range as male voice choirs so the repertoire is not the same. Women just sing a {cappela;} there are heaps of a cappela women's groups going, one notable American one being Anonymous 4.
Apr 11 2002, 1:50 PM
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McGruff 24 year member
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There is an organization for female barbershop quartet singers called Sweet Adelines, which is what I thought they were called. I'm finding enough references to both 'Women Barbershop Quartet' and 'Female Barbershop Quartet' to believe that is what they call themselves.