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What is the world's largest herb?

Question #21219. Asked by tabby.
Last updated Sep 16 2016.

Answer has 4 votes
24 year member
123 replies

Answer has 4 votes.
The banana plant


Also considered the "tallest herb"

Response last updated by Terry on Sep 16 2016.
Aug 18 2000, 9:06 AM
Answer has 4 votes

Answer has 4 votes.

Jan 19 2002, 9:20 AM
Son of The Household Cavalry
Answer has 12 votes
Son of The Household Cavalry

Answer has 12 votes.
Well you learn something everyday - I agree with Quizzer - The great banana, considered 'fruit of the wise man' in India, is in fact not only delicious but the tallest herb in the world, with trees sometimes growing to a towering 25 feet tall.

Response last updated by LadyNym on Aug 23 2016.
Jan 19 2002, 7:59 PM
Brainy Blonde
Answer has 3 votes
Brainy Blonde

Answer has 3 votes.
You are so right SOHC, who would have thunk it! Here is a little more information
for anyone that might be interested.

The banana is a herbaceous type of plant and bears fruit at non specific times
of the year. Most of these huge herbaceous plants grow on average of 15 to 30
feet tall. See:

Response last updated by Terry on Sep 16 2016.
Jan 22 2002, 9:19 AM
Senior Moments
Answer has 2 votes
Senior Moments

Answer has 2 votes.
The banana

Response last updated by Terry on Sep 16 2016.
Apr 29 2002, 9:44 PM
Answer has 19 votes
Currently Best Answer
24 year member
3694 replies avatar

Answer has 19 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
When I went to the page to check the link and found the answer was a banana, I did some further checking because it was my understanding that the banana was a berry. Here's some of what I found.

Is a banana a fruit or a herb?

Both. A banana (the yellow thing you peel and eat) is undoubtedly a fruit (containing the seeds of the plant: see answer regarding tomatoes), though since commercially grown banana plants are sterile, the seeds are reduced to little specks. However, the banana plant, though it is called a 'banana-tree' in popular usage, is technically regarded as a herbaceous plant (or 'herb'), not a tree, because the stem does not contain true woody tissue.

What is a banana? Is it a fruit, an herb or a berry?
Well, bananas are all those things. The banana is the most confusing item I have ever come across in produce. What's so confusing you ask? The confusion is in respect of the definition of 'Banana'. The Banana tree itself is an herb. The best definition of herb as far as I know is this: Herb is a flowering plant with a fleshy rather than woody stem, which usually dies back at the end of each growing season. The Banana tree trunk is a false stem formed by tightly wrapped leaf sheaths. The Banana itself is from the berry family. A berry is a simple fruit having a skin surrounding one or more seeds in a fleshy pulp. If you cut a banana in lengthwise, in the center, you will notice very tiny black 'seeds'. So, the Banana is a fruit, herb and a berry. I wonder if that's where the saying 'going bananas' comes from.


Response last updated by Terry on Sep 16 2016.
Aug 07 2002, 3:33 PM
Answer has 2 votes

Answer has 2 votes.
Technically speaking plantain and banana plants are the world's largest herbs. The plant is of the Muscaceae, the largest of tree-like herbs grown for fruit, as well as large leaves and fibre stalks.


Response last updated by looney_tunes on Aug 25 2016.
Aug 07 2002, 7:46 PM
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