If a person suffers from a peanut allergy even the very smallest amount can cause anaphylactic shock, which results in swelling of the throat and an inability to breath. Death can occur if immediate treatment is not given.
Aug 08 2002, 8:37 AM
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mibmob 22 year member
1273 replies
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There is a recognised fear of peanut biutter sticking to the roof of your mouth which is arachibutyrophobia - I think, that's how you spell it.
Aug 08 2002, 2:21 PM
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Answer has 2 votes.
Arachnids are spiders, scorpions,and mites . So arachibutyrophobia is not a recognised fear of peanut biutter sticking to the roof of your mouth . but a fear of the butt or rear end of any of the above insects. Nothing to do with peanut butter mibmob..... . Duh!
Aug 09 2002, 12:13 PM
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Answer has 2 votes.
The word arachibutyrophobia comes from Arachis hypogaea, the species and genus name for the peanut.