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Is the word sex really shown multiple times in 'The Lion King'?

Question #21613. Asked by lollipop.
Last updated Feb 14 2017.

Answer has 3 votes
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23 year member
1331 replies

Answer has 3 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
There is a dust cloud in one scene which if you look at it the right way might say the word 'sex'. People asked to identify a word can't see it unless they know in advance that it is supposed to be sex. Some people claim it may have been put in by the SFX crew (special effects) for their own amusement and that it actually says SFX. no longer exists

Response last updated by gtho4 on Feb 14 2017.
Aug 20 2002, 7:02 AM
an alias
Answer has 3 votes
an alias
21 year member
33 replies

Answer has 3 votes.
Check this out, though:
About halfway to three-fourths of the way through the film, Simba, Pumbaa, and Timon are lying on their backs, looking up at the stars. Simba
arises, walks over to the edge of a cliff, and flops to the ground, throwing up a cloud of dust. Eddies of dust form and dissipate in the roiling cloud, and at one point the various curves and angles in these eddies appear to form the letters S-E-X. It takes a bit of persistence to see specific letters in the shapes formed by the swirling dust clouds, even when the video is played in slow motion.

Whether the image of the word “SEX” was deliberately planted in this scene or is merely a product of the power of suggestion is indeterminate. The letters seem readily apparent to those who know what they’re supposed to be looking for, but persons unfamiliar with the rumor rarely make them out even after being told to look for a word in the still-frame images. The generally accepted explanation is that the letters were slipped in by a special effects group (to form the abbreviation “S-F-X”).


Response last updated by gtho4 on Feb 14 2017.
Aug 22 2002, 7:19 PM
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