Why is there no t.v. programs scheduled in Iceland on thursdays ?
Question #21710. Asked by CCR.
Barrow boy
Answer has 6 votes
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Barrow boy 22 year member
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Answer has 6 votes.
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Iceland's state TV only commenced in 1966, and until 1981 there was no tv during July and until 1986 no tv on Thursdays. Nowadays the tv schedules cover 365 days a year.
Why? Probably due to the fact that the state felt uncomfortable in adopting tv at all in the 1960s. It was only the fact that the Icelanders had fallen in love with the American Forces tv broadcast out of Keflavik AFB, that prompted the state tv to be set up at all. The sort of Nordic mindset that saunas and cold pools are good for you probably evolved into the opinion that you could do without tv once a week!