Question #22242. Asked by Jack.
Last updated Sep 03 2018.
This is the tenth of P. D. James' crime novels featuring her Metropolitan Police detective Adam Dalgliesh. Dalgliesh is a direct fictional descendent of Ngaio Marsh's Roderick Alleyn, though James' novels are much more modern and less concerned with the crime novel as simple investigation or the solving of a puzzle, and rather with examining present-day life through the lens of a criminal investigation. The story begins at Peverell Press, a publishing firm based in an imitation Venetian palazzo, Innocent House, by the edge of the Thames in Wapping.
.. the boundaries of the genre appear to act both as a comfortable framework and a creative challenge. Original Sin slyly replays some of the cliches of Golden Age detective fiction, from a closed circle of suspects - the partners in an ailing publishing house based in a mock Venetian palazzo on the Thames - to a locked- room mystery which only gradually reveals its fictional and historic antecedents. James has always revelled in plots of startling intricacy