Monrovia Liberia is the closest place in Africa to Recife Brasil.
The distance from Recife Brasil to Monrovia Liberia, is 3000+ km.
This was calculated this morning by using my Grade 3 wooden with notched edges, the result of numerous hand-to-hand duels at the back of the classroom, whilst Sammy Johnson, our war WWII vetran teacher was in the storeroom having a quick puff at a butt end of a cigarette.
Height of Recife. Altitude: 8 metres,-34.9156/Recife--Pernambuco--Brazil-
'Imagine you were standing at an elevation of h meters above the ocean and looking out across the water. What is the distance D to the horizon? If you are standing atop a mountain 1 km high, h = 1 km and your horizon should be 112.88 km away (we neglect the refraction of light in the atmosphere, which may modify this value).'
Recife is 16 metros above sea level. So the distance from the horizon is 1/16th of 112.88 km which is 7.055km.
Answer to the question is no.