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Name ten cities starting with the letter M that have over a million people living in them, only one city per country?

Question #23836. Asked by Jim.

Answer has 9 votes
Currently Best Answer
24 year member
68 replies

Answer has 9 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
1. Montreal - Canada
2. Moscow - Russia
3. Mexico City - Mexico
4. Munich - Germany
5. Mumbai - India (formerly Bombay)
6. Melbourne - Australia
7. Madrid - Spain
8. Montevideo - Uruguay
9. Manaus - Brazil
10. Manila - Philippines

Nov 03 2002, 6:19 AM
Some others
Answer has 6 votes
Some others

Answer has 6 votes.
Miami, United States
Milan, Italy
Manchester, England
Madras, India
Medellin, Colombia
Marseilles, France
Munich, Germany
Madrid, Spain.

Nov 03 2002, 1:45 PM
Answer has 4 votes
25 year member
197 replies

Answer has 4 votes.
Here is what I hope is an unabradged list of cities in the world beginning with M that have over one million people in them. Please inform me if you find any more cities:

1. Mexico City, Mexico 18.1 million
2. Mumbai, India 18.0 million
3. Manila, Philippines 10.9 million
4. Moscow, Russia 9.3 million
5. Madras, India 6.6 million
6. Milan, Italy 4.3 million
7. Madrid, Spain 4.1 million
8. Montreal, Canada 3.4 million
9. Monterrey, Mexico 3.4 million
10. Melbourne, Australia 3.2 million
11. Maputo, Mozambique 3.0 million
12. Medellin, Columbia 3.0 million
13. Miami, Florida 2.3 million
14. Mashhad, Iran 2.0 million
15. Medan, Indonesia 1.9 million
16. Mianyang, China 1.7 million
17. Minsk, Belarus 1.7 million
18. Montevideo, Uruguay 1.4 million
19. Munich, Germany 1.3 million
20. Munchen, Germany 1.2 million
21. Maracaibo, Venezuela 1.2 million
22. Manaus, Brazil 1.1 million
23. Macheng, China 1.1 million
24. Managua, Nicaragua 1.0 million*
25. Mogadishu, Somalia 1.0 million*

*Numbers 24 and 25 make the list due to roundups. Managua's population is 977,000 while Mogadishu's is 900,000.

Nov 03 2002, 6:23 PM
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