What city is called the insurance capital of the world?
Question #24274. Asked by JKombert.
Answer has 6 votes
Answer has 6 votes.
Hartford, Connecticut.
Nov 15 2002, 10:14 AM
Answer has 4 votes
Answer has 4 votes.
Can't disagree with Tabby - Hartford so called because of the high percentage of population employed in the industry, but, traditionally London has been so known too (the LIM or London Insurance Market being the world's biggest) and I believe I've seen it ascribed to Bermuda too (although that's not a city)
Nov 15 2002, 11:43 AM
Answer has 8 votes
Currently Best Answer
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DesMoines, Iowa is the insurance capital of the world. at one time it was Hartford CT.
Due to economics and business practices the financial feasability of keeping the capital in Hartford, CT failed all expectaions. Des Moines has been able to attract a huge insurance industry base; it's known as the third insurance capital of the world, after Hartford, Conn., and London. Despite its location in what some East Coasters call "the flyover zone," the state capital has kept up with trends in technology. Its tech savvy was underscored in December, when the Center for Digital Government awarded Des Moines the first-place prize for midsize cities in its survey on the use of technology by city government. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0DIZ/is_16_15/ai_100385232
[Added reference - McG]
Jun 14 2006, 11:17 AM
Answer has 2 votes
Answer has 2 votes.
What about Bloomington, Illinois? A large percentage of the population works in insurance, especially State Farm, which has its corporate offices and regional offices there. Also Country Companies has headquarters there.
It's a traditional nickname of London, because of the location there of Lloyds, which may not be the first insurance establishment (could be, not looked it up) but is the name associated with insurance in most minds for the longest time.