Why do they call New Zeland (or is it Australia) Oz?
Question #26104. Asked by Yank.
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sequoianoir 22 year member
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One of the more prominent terms to describe the Australian population as a whole is 'Aussies'. While this may look to some people like it should be pronounced with a soft 's', it's not - it's pronounced 'Ozzies'. Which makes it entirely logical that the slang for Australia should be 'Oz'.
Jan 08 2003, 9:53 PM
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The Aus in Australia sounds like Oz Australia sounds like Oztralia Oz is a shortened form of Oztralia
Australians slur between both of these pronounciations
When someone asks an Australian where they come from the response is generally Australia not Oz
Some might say, but rarely, 'from downunder' meaning the bottom half of the globe
If someone asks if you are an Aussie or 'from downunder' of from Oz (and of course, if you are an Australian) the reply would be, 'yes'
Aussies is an 'abbreviation' of Australia meaning Australians as a group
Australians accept all of the above as complimentary.
Just thought I'd add: IOC president Juan Antonio Samaranch closed the Sydney Olympics, declaring it 'the best Olympic Games ever'.
Jan 09 2003, 12:05 AM
Answer has 3 votes
timence 24 year member
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Answer has 3 votes.
There are several theories, but most say it's just a shortening of "Aussie". (and yes, Australia not NZ!)