Small birds like sparrows get around by hopping on two feet together, while most bigger birds walk step by step on their feet. Ornithologically speaking, is there a genus name for these two types of birds?
Another ornithological term for Sparrows is 'passerines' or perching birds. This is a huge genus and includes the little songbirds that hop. The 'waddlers' include the genus 'corvids' such as Rooks,Crows,Jays, Magpies etc. More of the 'waddlers' and 'walkers' come under the 'raptor' genus. These are the Buzzards, Ospreys, Eagles and all birds of prey.
May 29 2003, 10:53 AM
Senior Moments
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Senior Moments
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Most passerines do hop, but some varieties such as larks, meadowlarks, pipits, and starlings stride.