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How does anyone train to become a sword swallower?

Question #34918. Asked by gmackematix.

Answer has 2 votes
25 year member
66 replies

Answer has 2 votes.
'How did you learn to swallow swords?
The answer to this question varies from sword swallower to sword swallower. However, many have studied the art for years before they could master it. It is not something you can just learn in an afternoon.'
'Please understand that this is one of the most common questions we get asked all the time. Asking this question of a professional Sword Swallower is like asking David Copperfield to explain how to saw your mother in half so you can 'impress your friends.' However, unlike the fact that just about anyone can learn the classic 'sawing a woman in two' routine from many sources, unfortunately, not everyone can learn to swallow swords, even with the right training and years of practice. Besides, we don't like to go around teaching or giving away the 'trademark' of our livelihood, nor do we advocate or condone its practice or attempts by the untrained.

Sword swallowing is not only hard to believe and incredible to watch, but it is also one of the most dangerous of all performance arts. To be done properly and with the least amount of risk of injury requires hours of study, training, practice, and patience. It is NOT something just anyone can do after a few brief words of instruction.

Jun 05 2003, 1:14 PM
Answer has 4 votes
Currently Best Answer
25 year member
66 replies

Answer has 4 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Sword swallowing is also one of the most unpleasant things a person could ever feel. The human body was designed to rebel against foreign objects being introduced into the throat, and the muscles of the esophagus completely reject anything by triggering the gag reflex and the feeling of being sick. Sooner or later most people give up or learn to tolerate it. But it never feels good or comfortable.

Many people have attempted sword swallowing and have gotten themselves severly injured or even killed. Others have spent months or years attempting to learn it, and have never been mentally or physically able to master it. Only a few serious students have managed to learn it by studying seriously under the tutelage of seasoned sword swallowers, and the process can take up to three years to master. Even many seasoned professionals have simply quit doing it and refuse to perform it any longer. A few seconds of glory are not worth the risk of death. '
from link
or the home page link

Jun 05 2003, 1:15 PM
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