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Why did Roy Orbison wear dark glasses?

Question #37597. Asked by Linus_337.
Last updated Apr 11 2023.

Answer has 11 votes

Answer has 11 votes.
Whether you believe this Linus is up to you - it is a little odd!
The shy and quiet-spoken Orbison donned a pair of dark-tinted glasses to cover up his chronic astigmatism, although early publicity photos had already sneaked out. In later years his widow claimed that he was an albino.

Response last updated by gtho4 on Apr 11 2023.
Aug 17 2003, 4:18 PM
Answer has 14 votes
Currently Best Answer
25 year member
191 replies

Answer has 14 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
I saw Orbison interviewed on a TV documentary and the explanation he gave was that he had once boarded a plane on the East coast in bright daylight wearing his prescription sunglasses, but forgetting his regular glasses. By the time the plane landed it was dark, but he had to keep wearing the shades to because he'd left his other glasses behind. That incident led to them becoming his trademark.
The sons of Roy Orbison have collaborated on their late father’s official biography, with the intent of clearing up misunderstandings related to his life. Collectively known as Roy’s Boys, Roy Jr., Wesley and Alex Orbison, recently published The Authorized Roy Orbison via Center Street.The book includes an account of how the Big O accidentally developed his sunglasses image while on a U.K. tour with the Beatles in 1963. “He had left his regular glasses on a plane, right before the tour," Roy Jr. told Rolling Stone. "He had the dark glasses with him and decided to keep wearing them. Dad wasn't able to see without glasses. When he got off the plane in England, people were taking pictures and that's what they saw, Dad with the dark glasses."

Response last updated by gtho4 on Apr 11 2023.
Aug 17 2003, 5:12 PM
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