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Which NHL goalie owns the record for most consecutive shutouts?

Question #3767. Asked by Yukon.
Last updated Aug 20 2016.

Answer has 6 votes
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90 replies

Answer has 6 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
The current record was from the 2003-04 season, when Brian Boucher of the Phoenix Coyotes recorded 5 consecutive shutouts, an accomplishment that broke the record of 4.

2003-04: In his 5th NHL season, performed one of the most incredible feats in hockey history when he set two new modern-day NHL records with 5 consecutives shutouts and a shutout sequence of 332:01...Broke the 55-year-old records of Montreal’s Bill Durnan (4 shutouts, 309:21 sequence in 1948-49); NHL’s Modern Era began in 1943-44 with addition of center red line…Recorded 5 consecutive shutouts, a new NHL Modern Era record: Dec. 31 vs. LA (4-0, 21 saves), Jan. 2 at DAL (6-0, 35 saves), Jan. 4 at CAR (3-0, 26 saves), Jan. 7 at WSH (3-0, 27 saves) and Jan. 9 at MIN (2-0, 21 saves)…

Reference for this record:


Response last updated by Terry on Aug 20 2016.
Mar 14 2006, 5:35 PM
shuehorn star
Answer has 2 votes
shuehorn star
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Answer has 2 votes.
There is also another record that bears looking at, though the standards were different in that earlier golden age:

Hall of Famer Alex Connell had a record of six consecutive shut outs early in the game's history, but the rules were different, and it was much easier to have a "dead puck" that would lead to a score of zero. So though Boucher's record probably stands for the modern era, Connell's will probably never be beaten, and deserves a look-see.


Aug 19 2016, 11:55 PM
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