Question #39078. Asked by gmackematix.
Last updated May 14 2021.
Q. Why does Maggie cost $847.63 on the cash register in the opening credits?
A. In 1989, the show's first season, $847.63 was the average national cost of supporting a baby for one month, according to the U.S. government.
Question: What is the price that is displayed when Maggie Simpson is scanned at the beginning of the "Simpsons?" webpage no longer exists
The price is displayed for only a fraction of a second, precluding most Simpsons fans from determining the exact number. Inquiries about the price led Simpsons creators to insert a false answer to the question during "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular." In this episode the register is said to display NRA4EVER, a reference to The Simpsons perceived mockery of right-wing political groups. However, the price actually displayed in the opening sequence is $847.63, a figure that has never been officially explained but which many sources claim was once offered as the cost of raising a baby for one month in the United States.