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What was music composer Wolfgang Mozart's middle name?

Question #39457. Asked by super babe.
Last updated Oct 19 2016.

Answer has 19 votes
Currently Best Answer
24 year member
392 replies

Answer has 19 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Mozart's middle name, as generally used in modern times, is Amadeus. During his lifetime his name changed a lot, so it's all pretty complicated.

Here's the cliff's notes version:

- He was actually baptized as the wordy "Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart".

- In Italy, from 1770, Mozart called himself 'Wolfgango Amadeo'

- From about 1777, he called himself 'Wolfgang Amadè'

- The day Mozart died, his name was entered in the death records of the Vienna Magistrate as "Wolfgang Amadeus".

- In a letter dated December 11, 1791, Mozart's widow Constanze, in severe financial straits, asked to be given a pension by the Emperor (the appeal was ultimately successful). She signed herself "Konstantia Mozart, née Weber, widow relict of the late Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart." Imperial officials, replying to her request, used the same name.

On how his middle name evolved:
The 19th century saw the gradual victory of "Amadeus" over alternative middle names. The earlist (18th century) biographers of Mozart, such as Friedrich Schlichtegroll and Franz Niemetschek, used "Gottlieb".

However, in 1798 the publishing firm of Breitkopf & Härtel began to issue a (partial) Complete Works edition under the name "Amadeus". The dominance of "Amadeus" began around about 1810; Romanticism, notably in the person of E. T. A. Hoffmann, "seized upon this name to proclaim its veneration for Mozart". Although various scholars since that time have made use of "Amadè" or "Gottlieb", "Amadeus" remains by far the most familiar term for the general public.


Response last updated by Terry on Oct 19 2016.
Oct 03 2003, 10:14 PM
Answer has 3 votes
21 year member
1273 replies

Answer has 3 votes.
It means 'loved by God' and is the Latin equivalent of Theophilos - just thought you'd like to know!

Oct 04 2003, 3:38 AM
Answer has 2 votes

Answer has 2 votes.
When Mozart was baptised he was given the names Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus. Later on 'Johannes' and 'Chrysostomus' were dropped while 'Wolfgangus' was changed to its German equivalent 'Wolfgang' The last given name 'Theophilus' went through several changes. At one point, its German version 'Gottlieb' was used; only to give way to the much better known, Latin name 'Amadeus'. The name 'Theophilus' is of Greek origin means "Loves God" i.e. 'One who loves God' as do its counterparts in the other languages. At one point the Italian version of the two main names, namely 'Wolfgango Amadeo' was even used. However, what has come down to us, with his beautiful music is: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Aug 07 2010, 6:44 PM
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