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Both Snap's "The Power" and PPK's "Resurrection" seem to sample voices from Russian space missions. Are they genuine and, if so, which missions are we hearing in these pop songs?

Question #41322. Asked by gmackematix.
Last updated Jun 10 2021.

Answer has 10 votes
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25 year member
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Answer has 10 votes.

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Resurrection, pure crystal trance sound turned out to be PPK’s Resurrection. Oakenfold’s been playing a raw version; in single PPK included sample from Russian movie Sibiriada and voice of Russian cosmonauts. The song is devoted to the brave Soviet cosmonauts and everyone, who’s planning to travel/is traveling in space. It has great cosmic space sound and is just plain beautiful.

The first two minutes of "Resurrection" are eminently danceable, if not remarkable. Without warning, the beat disappears, replaced by the eerie sounds of old Russian cosmonaut films.

PPK describe their style as "Russian Trance." Mixing atmospheric harmonies and mid-tempo beats with mystical sounds and vocals, they create a sound that is unlike any other. Their hit single "Resurection," commemorates men's first trip into space, and features the theme from internationally acclaimed 1979's movie Sibiriada and a sampled voice of Yuri Gagarin.

I'm not finding similar info on The Power.

Response last updated by CmdrK on Jun 10 2021.
Nov 24 2003, 5:00 AM
Answer has 3 votes
22 year member
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Answer has 3 votes.
It turns out that the Russian voices at the start of Snap's 1990 hit "The Power" probably aren't cosmonauts after all...
"The Russian broadcast at the beginning of the song translates to: "The American company Transceptor Technologies has started production of the Personal Companion computer." This computer was a device used to deliver articles to people with visual impairments."

Response last updated by CmdrK on Jun 10 2021.
Aug 05 2011, 5:28 PM
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