Response last updated by gtho4 on Sep 15 2016.
Nov 21 2003, 5:15 PM
Answer has 4 votes
Answer has 4 votes.
How much is a 1923 mark compared to pounds and dollars of today...
Nov 21 2003, 6:56 PM
Answer has 3 votes
TabbyTom 23 year member
1233 replies
Answer has 3 votes.
At the peak of the German inflation the Reichsmark was valued at 4.2 trillion to the US dollar. According to this site
[ nolonger exists ]
The 1923 dollar had the purchasing power of $10.55 today, so the 1923 mark at the height of inflation was worth about 1/400,000,000,000 of a dollar in today’s money. If the price of 428 billion marks quoted by Maggie is the price at the peak of inflation then the German of that time was paying about a dollar for a loaf in today’s prices.