What fabric is made up of lengthwise threads called warp and crosswise threads called weft?
Question #42728. Asked by RaeRae55.
Last updated Dec 01 2016.
Answer has 3 votes
sequoianoir 22 year member
2091 replies
Answer has 3 votes.
Any/all of those that have been WOVEN !
Dec 27 2003, 12:33 PM
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Currently Best Answer
McGruff 25 year member
3694 replies
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Warp, web, weft, and woof are terms from weaving: the threads or yarns that run lengthwise on the loom are called the warp; the crosswise threads or yarns are called the woof or weft. The web is the name given the completed woven fabric, and it also has wide figurative use: What a tangled web of circumstance you’ve woven. All these are Standard.