Susan Lucci is not Phyllis Diller's daughter. According to USA TODAY columnist Jeannie Williams, Susan Lucci's spokeswoman denies any such idea. The actress has two real parents who live in Florida and have appeared at various events with their daughter. 'Susan is the mirror image of her mother!' says spokeswoman Joannie Danielides.
Jul 19 2000, 4:52 PM
Answer has 3 votes
Luv2PlaGmz 24 year member
123 replies
Answer has 3 votes.
Her parents are Jeanette and Victor Lucci.
Jul 19 2000, 8:04 PM
Answer has 5 votes
--simone-- 18 year member
104 replies
Answer has 5 votes.
"Susan Lucci was born to Jeanette and Victor Lucci."