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What was the name of the musical instrument which Sting was playing on his duet with Alison Krauss during tonight's Oscar broadcast?

Question #44821. Asked by skypilot024.
Last updated Aug 28 2016.

Answer has 2 votes

Answer has 2 votes.
Sting is nominated in the Original Song category for "You Will Be My Ain True Love" from "Cold Mountain." He will perform the original song with Alison Krauss, who performs the song with him in the film. Sorry haven't found the instrument yet (and haven't seen the performance), could you describe it's shape (It's possibly a mandolin or could be one of the new electronic guitars (that can imitate anything via a computer))

Mar 01 2004, 1:24 PM
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I don't think I've seen anything quite like it myself.

One thing that does make it stand out and should ease the identification process is the handle that was sticking out of one end.
He was constantly turning it with his right hand during the entire performance.

I did wonder if it was a HURDY GURDY

Apparently he was not playing the keys or the strings. JUST THE DRONES !

Response last updated by CmdrK on Aug 28 2016.
Mar 01 2004, 1:43 PM
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looks like a hurdy gurdy

Mar 01 2004, 1:59 PM
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Answer has 2 votes.
Mandolin (which I play) and hurdy gurdy (which I can't afford) both resemble pregnant violins to some extent. (I'm not talking about those flatbacked things from Appalachia, but the Neapolitan 4 course type.) Mandolin is a descendant of the lute, while the hurdy gurdy goes back to a thing called a sinfonie. Apart from being hard to play well, hurdy gurdies are very expensive, starting at around a thousand quid for a cheap and nasty one.

If it's got a handle that you turn, it's either a hurdy gurdy or one of those things that make ice cream. In the context (not having TV), I'd say hurdy gurdy was most likely.

Mar 02 2004, 7:19 AM
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Answer has 2 votes.
It was a hurdy-gurdy, also known as a box zither or barrel organ.

Mar 02 2004, 10:56 AM
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