Adolf Hitler passed the Enabling Act to outlaw the practice in 1933.
It just beggars belief, doesn't it?
Mar 29 2004, 2:00 PM
Answer has 2 votes
sequoianoir 22 year member
2091 replies
Answer has 2 votes.
That's a really big YO! for Linus.
The teetotal and vegetarian Fuhrer was by nature against hunting on grounds of cruelty, but riding to hounds roused the ire of the socialist in Hitler’s National Socialism. German fox-hunters tended to be aristocratic, in his view effete and probably Anglophile. Goebbels, too, on occasion dirided the social world of riding. However it took even Adolf Hitler three years before he succeeded in banning the pursuit of quarry on horseback in July 1936.
Hitler’s first dictatorial act, after the passing of the Enabling Act (1933) was to regulate the cooking of lobsters (he was distressed by their screams when tossed into boiling water). Only then did he abolish free trade unions.