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How did the movie 'The Inn of the Sixth Happiness' acquire its title?

Question #46110. Asked by shady shaker.
Last updated Jul 18 2021.

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MaggieG avatar

Answer has 5 votes.

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I can't find a specific reference, but would it be something to do with the sixth virtue being spiritual, and so the sixth happiness would be based on that virtue and be spiritual happiness? And Gladys Aylward went to China to work for someone who had opened an inn where she not only supplied sustenance in the way of food for travellers, but also told them bible stories and so satisfied their spiritual needs too.

Apr 06 2004, 6:24 AM
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Answer has 3 votes.
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The "only" problem with this explanation is that the title is innaccurate by 25% (or 33% depending which way you look at it)

Whilst the film has that title, in truth, the real inn was not called that.

I actually remember this from junior school which I attended from 5 to 11 years of age. Like most schools, we had form houses. We had Aylward, Churchill, Ferrier (Kathleen) and Kennedy.

There were many pictures of them and the stories of their lives were told each year during special assemblies where new pupils were given their form allegiance - sounds like Harry Potter, Hogwarts and the sorting hat !!

I was in Ferrier as it happened.

Anyway, when I first saw the film I thought something was "odd" regarding what I thought I knew about it. I remember from school the story of her aquiring a child which she called Ninepence (the amount she paid for her) but in the film the child is called SIXPENCE !

Additionally I always had a different title (in my head) for the film (sort of a mental double-take whenever I come across it) because the inn was called "The Inn of EIGHT HAPPINESSESS"

So, to answer the question as best I can, it aquired its title through ARTISTIC LICENCE !

Apr 06 2004, 5:24 PM
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