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How many sides does a banana have?

Question #52467. Asked by peasypod.
Last updated May 13 2021.

Answer has 2 votes
21 year member
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Answer has 2 votes.
I think if you cut it into half it will reveal five sides

Nov 16 2004, 9:12 PM
Answer has 4 votes
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Answer has 4 votes.

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I have found sites that say a banana has 5 sides, however, when I cut my bananas as suggested by ranan, they do not appear to be in the shape of a pentagon, nor do they appear to have 5 inside angles. Due to hunger, I am not able to do any more experimenting until tomorrow, when I will look for more shapely bananas at the grocery store.

Nov 16 2004, 9:45 PM
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Answer has 2 votes.
I have two varieties of banana (I am after all a Queenslander!) in my fruit basket so 5 sides is right on both the Lady Finger and the Cavendish and did you know that bananas do not grow on trees - they are herbs - the Lady Finger is the small banana and they grow on the largest plant and it is illegal to grow Cavendish in your back yard in Queensland. Useless information time!

Nov 18 2004, 3:30 AM
JCSon star
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JCSon star
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Answer has 4 votes.
"Question: How many sides does a banana have?
Answer: According to those who know, a banana has five sides.

And I bet you don't know that there's real debate about the way you should peel bananas. Some say we should follow the example of monkeys and peel it from the bottom up. It's supposed to be easier and apparently those long stringy bits stay in the skin. Finally, another piece of irrelevant trivia, bananas are berries, and don't ring up to debate this, because that's all we're going to say on the subject!

Some other banana trivia:
* According to an old wives' tale, the inside of a banana peel makes a great shoe polish for patent leather shoes (although we haven't tested this).
* Banana's are apparantly sleep enhancers, so eating one before bed can help kids sleep.
* There are more than 200 varieties of bananas in the world , from finger fruits to purple plantains." no longer exists

Response last updated by gtho4 on May 13 2021.
Jun 27 2008, 4:09 PM
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