Question #53264. Asked by peasypod.
Last updated Sep 15 2021.
A LIST of the 20 longest Shakespearean roles was published in 1980, in The Book of Lists 2, edited by David Wallechinsky, Irving Wallace, Amy Wallace and Sylvia Wallace. The top ten roles are:,5753,-2024,00.html
1 Hamlet, 1,422 lines ( Hamlet );
2 Falstaff, 1,178 ( Henry IV, parts one and two);
3 Richard III, 1,124 ( Richard III );
4 Iago, 1,097 ( Othello );
5 Henry V, 1,025 ( Henry V );
6 Othello, 860 ( Othello );
7 Vincentio, 820 ( Measure for Measure );
8 Coriolanus, 809 ( Coriolanus );
9 Timon, 795 ( Timon of Athens );
10 Antony, 766 ( Antony and Cleopatra ).
However, Falstaff would top the list (with 1,614 lines) if his 436 lines in The Merry Wives of Windsor are included. Now, if we permit this, then it seems to me that Henry V must be allowed his lines from Henry IV, as Prince Henry. He would have (by my count) a further 117 lines, giving him a total of 1,142 lines and third place.