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How many people have been born in the Vatican City since it became independent?

Question #54118. Asked by Baloo55th.

Answer has 3 votes
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21 year member
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Answer has 3 votes.

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There are families (e.g. the Swiss Guard) not just priests, living in the Vatican. But supposing they go to outside hospitals to have their children, does that count toward the Vatican City or the Italian, or even the Swiss, birth rate? Is there a hospital in the Vatican?

"The Infant of Rome", who is usually believed to have been the child of Lucretzia Borgia, but may have been the child of her brother Caesare or her father Pope Alexander VI, seems to have been born in the Vatican Palace. Long before independence, of course.

Jan 16 2005, 6:06 PM
Answer has 3 votes

Answer has 3 votes.
There is no hospital in the is too small, the hospitals used by the Swiss Guard if their wives gave birth would be in Rome.

If a tourist gave an unexpected "early birth" it is possible that a baby could be born within Vatican City but unlikely.

Jan 16 2005, 7:23 PM
Answer has 2 votes
22 year member
3206 replies

Answer has 2 votes.
Searching "born in the Vatican" just seems to produce several mentions of Micette, the big tabby cat that early 19th century pope Leo XII used to have in his lap during public addresses, a few mentions of the claim by porn-star Lilli Carati to have been born there and an advert for a book which claims to answer the question as to whether a baby has ever been born in the Vatican.

Jan 16 2005, 7:34 PM
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