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What is the British term for the maid of honor at a wedding?

Question #5435. Asked by Denise.

Answer has 4 votes
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Answer has 4 votes.

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Denise, you'll usually find the maid of honour is the 'bridesmaid' and the lead of the bridesmaids is the 'chief bridesmaid' (obviously if there is more than one)which usually again goes by age and relationship where the very young become 'flower girls'.

NOTE: In the United Kingdom, the term "maid of honour" originally referred to the female attendant of a queen. The term bridesmaid is normally used for a bridal attendant. However, when the attendant is married, or is a mature woman, the term matron of honour is more commonly used. The influence of American English has led to the Chief Bridesmaid sometimes being called the Maid of Honour.

In the UK, a "maid of honour" is also a type of small cake.


Aug 27 2000, 11:06 PM
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