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What is the link between Luis Angel Castillo, Jean Rene Soutre, and George Hickey, Jnr.?

Question #55540. Asked by shady shaker.

Answer has 3 votes
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21 year member
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Answer has 3 votes.

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It's obviously to do with the Kennedy assassination.

Luis Angel Castillo was arrested by the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on suspicion of conspiring to assassinate President Ferdinand Marcos in Manilla. In a series of interrogation sessions, the NBI and Philippine Army investigators gave him truth serum (at his request) and put him under hypnosis. During one of these sessions, Castillo revealed he had been involved in an assassination four years earlier. Castillo told the NBI, both under hypnosis and truth serum and also in a normal state, that he had been hypnoprogrammed to kill a man riding in an open car. Although Castillo did not know the identity of his target, the scene of his supposed "hit" was Dallas, Texas. The date was November 22, 1963...

Jean Rene Soutre AKA Michel Mertz--- Russian KGB investigated the assassination and concluded Kennedy "was shot by a professional assassin hired by French and South Vietnamese agents"
"Diem's brother Ngo Dinh Nhu was also killed, and this cut off the supply of opium that Nhu had been helping the Corsican mafia smuggle to Marseille. The Corsicans then turned the opium into heroin and shipped it to the United States where American gangsters sold the drugs. Our group found that the Corsicans hired French hitman Michael Mertz, sometimes known as Jean Rene Soutre, to carry out the assassination with the cooperation of the American Mafia bosses."

George Hickey Jr was a USSS special agent who was travelling in a security car at the time of the shooting. Here is his story:


They are all considered alternative gunmen in the assassination....

Mar 01 2005, 6:30 AM
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